Monday, October 27, 2008

A New Season...

You may be thinking I'm a little off in my timing. Even though here in Texas, it *feels* like Fall has just begun... it's still practically mid-season on the calendar.

But, the calendar season isn't what I mean. I'm referring to a season of God's work in my community, my church, my family, and my own heart. Much like the fall just seems to 'suddenly arrive' each year... this spiritual season has caught me almost by surprise.

Each year, as I begin to notice those vibrant reds & oranges of falltime - they always seem 'new' somehow... like they have never been quite *that* color! So, too, am I seeing God's work around me... it almost seems like it's never been quite *that* perfect in it's orchestration.

But, I remind myself... His work has always been perfect, and it will always be so. His work is not new. He does not change.

But, oh! How thankful I am that He brings change in ME! And, today, I am thankful for this refreshed appreciation of His unchanging nature. Just like the crisp, cool breeze I felt outside today - this "new" adoration of Him is not generated by me. It is purely His work... His gift!

And, what a sweet, sweet gift... not only getting to witness His work around me & in me, but adding that extra touch of appreciative joy to accompany it ... it's almost like seeing His work for the first time.

I will praise you, LORD, with all my heart and tell about the wonders you have worked.

God Most High, I will rejoice; I will celebrate and sing because of you. (Psalm 9:1-2)

1 comment:

Luanne said...

It is so exciting to know that we matter to God by seeing the work He is doing in us. He never gives up on us! I would love to hear more of the work He is doing! God bless!