Wednesday, November 4, 2009

staying dry...

Personally, I think this post will make the most sense if you read my previous one before you read this one. But, hey... if not, I can summarize it pretty quickly: I talked about the realization that I was camping out in a 'middle ground' that doesn't really exist.

...hmmm, wait. 'Realization' is a nice, pleasant word, but it does make it sound like something "I" did... so instead, let's say... this:

"I talked about getting smacked up side the head with the fact that I was camping out in a middle ground that doesn't really exist."

Ok... yes, that's much more accurate!

So..... anyway, what does that mean exactly, you ask?

Yeah.... good question! I asked it, too. What came to mind is this... you can be NEAR water, but if you want to experience it fully - you have to get wet. There is NO middle ground there... you either stay dry or you get wet. Period.

The following piece comes from that thought.

(and, yes - I realize if you know me... this hiking/camping analogy is a stretch... but just go with it!)

Here I am on my trail... heading for a campsite. I've learned about an amazing waterfall... and I HAVE to go! And, I'm not "just" going - I'm going ALL OUT. I mean, sure... I could have stayed back at the cabins where "the tourists" stay... but I'm serious about this. I am ALL ABOUT this waterfall experience - unlike "those other people", I want to experience it completely.

So, I hike. Pretty soon, I come to a ridge with the most amazing view. Seriously... AMAZING! I can see it, I can hear it. I can take breath-taking photos. And... as I survey the area, I begin to realize how smart I would be to camp here. In fact, I can see now that it has been used often by previous campers. Why, this just might be "the" perfect campsite! And the best part is, my stuff won't get wet from the waterspray. Of course, that wasn't really my original plan, but now that I'm here... I'm starting to see how much better this would be!

For a brief moment, I think about what I set out to do. I remember how I was really looking forward to feeling that spray of water on my face and how I wanted to reach out my hand & touch the falls! But... I quickly decide this is a lot more sensible. After all, I'm so close - I can hike over there in a matter of minutes. I guess you might even call this "middle ground". Kind of perfect in a way, now that I think about it. Not back at the cabins with "those people". And, not camped out IN the water (I mean, really - who does that?) Yeah... middle ground sounds just about right.

So, I unpack. Set up. Arrange. Prepare. I take breaks here & there... and snap off about a thousand pictures. I am so drawn to that view! I even spend some time watching others who made it to the base of the falls.... they seem to really enjoy the feel of being there. But, now that I've set up camp.... I'm realizing that it's not all that convenient to go over there myself. I've got all this stuff here (it's some good stuff, you know!) - I can't just walk off & leave it unprotected. I would take it with me, buuttt... it's pretty heavy. And, well... I *just* unpacked it. And, now that I think about it, a lot of this stuff would be ruined if it got wet. I decide to think about it some more...

While I'm thinking it over, I want to make sure & use my time wisely... so I busily work around the campsite. After hanging up that hammock, it would seem a shame not to use it... and the sunshine is so nice & warm... very peaceful. Sleep comes so very easily...

As the sun moves across the sky, I wake up with a quick glance at my watch - whew! Where's the day going? Like it or not, the trip will come to an end... but it's still early enough. I should really hike on over the base of the falls... if I'm going to do it at all. Buuutt... now, I'm realizing that I am kind of hungry. I don't guess I'm really prepared to go right this minute.... and there's still this *stuff* to think about. So, while I'm thinking.... I get busy preparing my meal. (Don't you just love the smell of a good campfire?)

And, then I'm busy eating my meal.

And, cleaning up after my meal.

And, resting after my meal.

Ok. I've given this enough thought. You know what? I'm just going to hike over to that waterfall right now. As I grab my boots & start to put them on... I notice someone rushing up to my campsite with a sense of urgency. It's a uniformed soldier and he says that I have to leave immediately. There's a wildfire headed straight for my campsite & there is not a minute to waste. Well, wait a minute, I say... I don't see anything, I don't even smell the smoke... surely there's time for me to get over to that waterfall. I mean it's the whole reason I came here. It won't take long at all, I'm so close!

Sorry, he says. Orders are to leave immediately. Shocked & saddened, I nod and start to gather my stuff. No, he says... you don't understand. I mean immediately... and with that, he whisks me out of the campsite, empty handed. At once, I realize that all of my belongings... all of my stuff.... those things that I fretted over, hovered over & protected... they are now gone forever, just like my chance to have that waterfall experience. Had I only realized that they were truly just temporary... that I would lose them anyway, maybe I would not have let them keep me from the part of the trip that was most important!

And, another thing occurs to me now, too... that there really wasn't any such thing as 'middle ground', after all. There was simply the choice to stay dry... or go get wet.

1 comment:

debbie said...

I sure do love the picture you've painted here. I will remember this post for quite some time, I think.