Friday, September 12, 2008

A glimpse of joy...

Honestly, I think two-year-olds get too much bad press... the "terrible twos" and all that! God has blessed me with the opportunity to not only have a couple of my own to see through this phase... but, for a few years now, I've been a 2's "teacher". Am I some sort of expert? Nahh... I'm just a mom who wandered into the field. But, I've found that if I listen closely, God uses these little ones to teach me things in my own life. To be truthful, though, it's not always a pleasant lesson... like the times (don't miss the plural there!) He reminds me that the tantrum I'm seeing in front of me isn't all that different from the tantrum I'm living out in front of Him. Oh, it may look a little different on the OUTSIDE, but trust me... on the INSIDE it's much the same! ~Sigh~ But, let's just save those lessons for a different day :)

What's really on my heart today is the beautiful glimpse of joy that I was privileged to encounter a couple of days ago. It was the first day of class for my new friends and it was time to sit down to lunch. I prompted them to use their "praying hands" and began the little prayer song that I use for mealtime. Of course, as their teacher, I model the "head bowed, eyes closed" posture I hope for them to adopt. But, as any wise mom will tell you... ya gotta peek in case one tries to make a run for it :)

So... I peeked. All was well & everyone accounted for. But, my eyes were drawn to one little face... eyes delicately closed, hands pressed together for prayer... and an expression that is hard to describe in words. I just don't think I can truly convey the sweetness I saw in that brief moment. It was as if God allowed my mind to take a snapshot picture of what prayer can be like. It wasn't a set of motions for this little one... it wasn't a duty... it wasn't a struggle for focus. It was pure contentment.

Now, I'm not interested in a debate about 'original sin' versus 'age of accountability'... I'll just tell you that I firmly trust that God has this little child covered and under His protection. I believe Jesus was referring to a small child when He said ...for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these (Luke 18:16). Maybe even one like the little friend in front of me... able to go to Him in innocence (sins forgiven) and enjoy the sweet presence of His peace & joy.

As adults, won't we come to Him in prayer broken... in tears, in pain? Yes, over sin in our own life & sin in the world. But, when we are in close relationship with Him - giving our life over to Him, confessing our sins before Him... I believe there are times we are allowed to experience that same sweetness that I saw in my little friend... pure, sweet restful joy that we all truly desire.

Jesus said, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. (Matt 11:28) My little friend didn't come to him weary & burdened, but I do think she encountered His rest. And, for just a moment I was blessed to see a glimpse of it on her face... and, trust me, it was beautiful beyond words!

1 comment:

Luanne said...

It is nice to get to know you, via our blogs. I am glad you came across mine--so i could meet you. Isn't it amazing that God can make the world so much smaller--and we can meet others who love Him that we would otherwise never have the opportunity! My kids are teenagers--I so miss those "terrible two" days--they weren't so terrible!! Teens are awesome--they get a bad rap, too! God Bless!