Monday, August 31, 2009

A Special Reminder...

Earlier today, I returned from my weekly route with Meals on Wheels with a smile. I'm a few months into this project... and I just have to say - if you've ever thought about checking it out... DO IT! It's a great service, pretty easy to do & I just bet drivers are needed in your area, wherever that may be.

But, as much as I like the feeling of being helpful... really, the truth is that I *get* more than I give. Today, I'm pretty sure I heard a well-placed reminder from God through a conversation with one of the sweet friends I deliver to. I'm 100% sure that she didn't realize she was saying something that would touch my heart and speak into my life... but I believe God knew I needed a special reminder.

'Sis' is a dear lady that has become very special to me & I always enjoy our moments of conversation. I've gotten to hear lots about her childhood as she talks through some of her memories. Today, we again talked of her school days as a young girl. When she mentioned a "Victory Party", I was intrigued & inquired deeper. She explained that the students would host a variety show, of sorts, and would charge 'victory stamps or bonds' for admission. But, as she was explaining it, one particular memory came to the surface for her & she shared it with me.

For one of these parties, Sis & some other girls had prepared a dance to perform. Come show night, Sis even had a new handmade dress to wear for the occasion. As the performance began, she danced her heart out. But, after a few moments into the dance... the sleeves of her brand new dress came off! Her mom had basted the sleeves onto the dress, but had forgotten to go back and run a permanent seam. Sweet, tender-hearted Sis was mortified & began to well up with tears. But, her teacher came instantly to the rescue with love & reassurance that it was all ok. Even as Sis relayed this to me today, some 70 odd years later, the resulting calm & peace from that loving gesture was unmistakeable. Sis wasn't really laughing as she told me the story, as you might think. She told it just as she remembered it... sweetly... fondly. And after a pause, she told me this: "Adults sometimes don't understand the impact they have on a small child."

Now, maybe you're thinking... sweet story.... but??? What's your point? It's this... right now in my real life (away from this computer) I'm preparing for another year as a teacher in an early childhood setting. After 5 years in my cozy, comfortable spot, I've agreed to change age-levels. In other words, I've set myself up for lots of change. None of it is "bad" at all... it's just change! And, I've been somewhat consumed with it (and the multiple other examples of change occuring in my life at the moment, by the way!) I'll admit, I've been struggling a little bit to find my footing.

So, what impacts me most about her story today is this: All these years later, what does Sis remember? The love & kindness her teacher gave to her. It was evident in her expression & in her voice as she retold this event. It has stayed with her all these years.

This is certainly a lesson I already "knew"... and I believe it with all my heart. But, I feel that God wanted me to hear the emotion in her voice and see the expressions on her face... as a tangible reminder. As important as letters & numbers & colors are in the life of a pre-schooler... and as important as it is to plan & prepare... I think He wanted me to keep in mind the ~most~ important aspect of my job which is simply to love.

"Love never fails" (1 Cor 13:8a)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Walking Through It...

As of this past Monday... a particular season of my life came to a close. (Well, barring any bona fide miracles, that is.) I took my youngest child to his first day of kindergarten... and left empty handed! After almost 10 years of having a little one by my side 24/7... it was over. Just like that. Over!! One minute, I was clicking off pictures & all smiles... the next minute, I was a teary-eyed mess! I knew I had to get out of there quick... and have a little "moment" to collect myself.

My husband seemed mildly surprised at my reaction (like... "uhhh - you're not *really* going to get too carried away here, are you?") But, I tear up for books, movies, weddings of people who are practically strangers to me.... even a good commercial every once in a while, for goodness sakes!! What was he thinking? This was certainly a good occasion for a few teardrops, right?!

I guess to be completely honest though... I was surprised at myself, too. I knew it would be an emotional day... but, here's the thing... I think that because I could see this situation coming (after all, I had those same 10 years to prepare)... and I had given it some thought as to how it would feel.... that somehow I believed I could escape the emotional impact of walking t-h-r-o-u-g-h it. It was like right smack dab in the middle of it, I realized --- "ohhhh... now I see.... this really is hard."

Funny thing is... this scenario has been playing out repeatedly for me lately. I think I see what's coming & then I'm overwhelmed when it comes to pass. I'm not sure I've discovered any great pearls of wisdom here... except maybe this... if you see a reoccuring pattern - pay attention! There's gotta be a lesson in it.

And, probably more important...

I've certainly been reminded of the necessity of prayer. Most of the time, we tend to sideline prayer... we see it as something optional. But, there are days when your spirit will truly need it to take those next few steps forward. Because it is in prayer we realize that we aren't walking t-h-r-o-u-g-h it alone.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The song you sing...

Matthew West has a great song called "Something to Say"... if you listen to contemporary Christian radio, I'm positive you've heard it. But, even if you have... take a moment to soak in these lyrics...

Wake up, 7:32 AM
Can’t believe it’s time to do it over again
Yesterday, it took all that you had
And you’re wondering if you’ll ever get it back
But the whole wide world is waiting for
Waiting for you to step out that door
Come on, and let your life be heard today

You’ve got something to say
If you’re living, if you’re breathing
You’ve got something to say
You know if you’re heart is beating
You’ve got something to say
And no one can say it like you do
God is love and love speaks through You
got it, you got it
You’ve got something to say

Listen up, I got a question here
Would anybody miss you if you disappeared
Well your life is the song that you sing
And the whole wide world is listening
Well the answer to the question is
You were created, your life is a gift
And the lights are shining on you today

I love the imagery here & it has me thinking about how my lifesong is sounding. If each day is like a note of music in 'my song'... am I using each one wisely, contributing to the overall harmony? Or, have I let it get a little off-key ("pitchy" as Randy would say on American Idol)?

I'm a little concerned that it's the latter. But, I'm not talking about being the super-saint who has her 'to-do list' for God that's a mile long.... 'cause I'm pretty convinced that's not what He wants from me.

Actually... I think it's very simple: the days that are off-key are the ones where I drop my gaze from following after His Son. Those are the days that I look instead to myself... my plans, my wants, my self-indulgences, my rights... me, me, me! (((OUCH!!))) Hear those sour notes?

But... when my eyes are on Him...
- in His Word
- in prayer
- allowing Him to direct my choices...
then... the song is beautiful! Not of my creation at all.... His!

Mr. West said it well... "God is love & love speaks through you!"

"The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him... " (Exodus 15:2)