Monday, November 16, 2009

All in?

Let me pause right up front... because I feel the need to remind you that this platform is my place to work out thoughts... NOT a place where I claim to have THE answer. You may not agree with my 'take on it' at all... and that's ok. Truthfully, as I continue on the journey - I may not even agree with these words. But, for today...

I am finding myself in one of those seasons where God keeps bringing me to the same topic... repeatedly. I am thankful He is so very patient with me... especially when I seem to be so very slow to 'get it'!

Recently, our small group broke past some of the common social barriers & got down to a rather meaty convesation. (LOVE THAT!!) We started to dig into this idea of 'middle ground'. (If you've read my last couple of posts, you'll definitely recognize a theme here!) So, I am again in thought over this subject.

There were many facets to the conversation... but one honest & real comment has my full attention at the moment. It went something like this... "I'm not sure about this 'no middle ground' idea... because I don't see that I am all in -OR- all out. So, where does that leave me?"

Indeed! Who among us can deny this thought? I certainly can't (and I've got the blogs to prove it!).

So, I'm wondering what exactly the definition of "ALL IN" really is? Not in a 'what's the minimum I can do' sort of way.... but as a true self-examination of where I'm at, spiritually speaking.

We might all be tempted to define "ALL IN" by action...

..serving at the soup kitchen every weekend

....going off to a far away land to be a missionary

......committing to giving a huge monthly dollar amount at church

........renouncing our culture's norms to live a 'simple' life

Even though those things might be present in an "ALL IN" life... the danger of identifying one or more of those actions as "ALL IN" is pretty clear. When we use this sort of 'checklist'... we are smack dab in the middle of legalism. Really, this thinking just promotes the idea that you can actually achieve perfection... I mean, what arbitrary number of items on the checklist will it take to reach "ALL IN"? 1? 5? 10? That's not something I find in the Bible.

And, if there isn't a 'magic number' of items to check off... won't there always be at least one more thing I can "DO"? Is it possible to "DO" it all? And, if I can't "DO" it all... then, am I really "ALL IN"? Wow, what a little hamster's wheel *that* is.... it sounds exhausting physically & spiritually.

Hmmm... so, if my actions alone can't get me to the "ALL IN" line... then what does?

What about my motivation for the actions? What if the "ALL IN" line is crossed not at the moment I DO "great" things for Him.... but at the moment of choice to follow Him wherever He leads... to trust Him, come what may. Isn't this the very picture of relationship with God? Me, taking my meager offering (laying down the life HE gave me in the first place)... and in return, He guides me by His perfect plan.

I think that's pretty close... except it sounds like a one-time-shot. One choice, once & for all. I don't know about you... but that's not my experience. Mainly because... I keep waking up. And many of the choices I made yesterday... well, they are back in front of me again today. Just because I chose to trust Him yesterday, doesn't mean I won't crash & burn today.


So, honestly - I'm just not sure what the answer is to this question. I have had moments where I could say with 100% certainty that YES, I AM ALL IN! I've had a taste of it, and I have to say - there is joy & peace there!

But.... then, I have those *other* moments that aren't so "inspirational" for anyone around me!

Maybe that just makes me an "ALL IN".... in progress.

1 comment:

Luanne said...

Awesome post--gives me more to think about as I ponder The value God puts on relationship with Him and not the works I can do for HIm. Thanks!