Monday, February 1, 2010

Make the time...

Here's how my day started today: Got up with no time to spare... just like every other morning. Rushed the kiddos thru their morning routine, rushed out the door to get them to school on time. My plan was to then rush back home to get in my morning prayer time before heading out into the rest of my day. Sounds great so far, huh?? :(

Well, I had dropped off one kiddo at school & was en route for the second drop-off. Our sweet little community doesn't really have traffic... but there is one spot that gets a little tricky at times & can cause a little driver stress. I don't always encounter that spot, but today I did.... and I received a nasty little honk from another driver. AND to top it off, it was accompanied by a frustrated gesture. It wasn't the really rude gesture (you know the one) - it was just a show of displeasure. But, it was just enough to make my blood boil a little & return in kind. I feel compelled to tell you that I also added a vigorous little wave as I went my way - dripping with sarcasm, but at least I was able to tell my son I was just waving - hoping he couldn't quite perceive the real motive. Yep, add me to the mommy-of-the-year list for that delightful move! ~yuck!~

It happened very quickly, and I was angry at the other driver for all of a few seconds... but then I spent a lot more time being angry at myself & wondering where in the world that comes from. One minute, I'm planning my prayer time & the next minute I'm a short step away from road rage behavior?? What???? I'm pretty thankful that God had Paul include his comment about 'doing the stuff I don't want to do'...

(Romans 7:19) For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. least I know I'm not alone in this human condition!

But still... it just kind of set a negative tone on the beginning of my day. The good thing, though, was that I was able to come back home & get in that prayer time just as I had planned. After a little heart to heart with the Lord, I really did feel refreshed & renewed and took on the rest of the day with a much better attitude. Not just a better day, but a really enjoyable one with His peace in my heart. A changed day!

It wasn't until later, though, that it dawned on me... if I had truly started my day with that prayer time (as in, before I left the house at all!), I probably wouldn't have jumped to instant anger with the driver I had encountered earlier. I would have already been in His peace at that moment. Now, I'm not saying Christians don't get angry... but I am pretty sure that if you have spent some time in His presence, you're just not going to be as likely to 'go there' with needless anger quite so quickly.

Makes me wonder... if I prayed first thing more often, might I avoid more icky actions in my day that I regret? Hmmm... it's a thought.

In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. (Psalm 5:3)


Hollis Baker said...

That seems to happen to us all on occiations. I think you handeled it quite well.

Luanne said...

Thanks for your honesty--I can relate, unfortunately. I am learning as I trust Him more and more, with every disturbance of the day, knowing He is allowing them for my good, I can handle them with His grace. Oh, what a process, though!!