Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Life lessons on the boat...

OK, I'll just say it: I have water issues. Actually, it's a strange love/hate relationship I have... because one of the most ideal settings I can imagine is a pristine beach hideaway. Something deep inside of me is drawn to that. I very much enjoy walking along the water's edge. I dearly love the sound of the roaring ocean or the gentle lapping sound of the lake. I could sit & fish for hours, if the conditions were right. And, watching a sunset on the water? Nothing better!

But, then there's the other side to that coin. I won't infect you with my curse, but let me assure you... I have an ample supply of very dark imagery in regards to the depths of the average lake or river. I have absolute respect for the sheer power of God's oceans... and don't see any valid reason to get much farther out than knee deep in them. And, don't even get me started on the creatures that reside below sight level of any body of water. I am in awe of God's amazing creations under there... but, interacting with them in their environment? Um mm... no!

Over the years, though... I've learned to reconcile these conflicting thoughts & feelings fairly well. It pretty much goes like this: I enjoy what I enjoy & I avoid the rest..... and I'm good with that! Really! I don't care to be cured of this malady. The rest of the world (including my water-loving husband) is certainly free to engage in their obviously senseless water behaviors... I'll even smile & wave from my nice, relaxing (likely canopied) position from the shore! ...Live it up, crazy people!

(I say that last part in my head... just so there's no hurt feelings!)

And, that all worked pretty well for me until a few years ago... when I became a mom. After only a short few steps into this parenting thing, it became pretty clear that my control systems were going to be challenged. You see, all of the coping skills and carefully placed parameters I had incorporated into my life regarding this subject worked great for me... but, I instinctively knew it wasn't something I wanted to hand off to my children. On the other hand, if water dangers loomed large in my mind before I had children... I promise you the monsters were now infinitely larger! Any parent will tell you... the moment you have a child, danger to your child far outranks any danger to self.

So, what's a land-lover to do here in the heart of Texas... a place with more lakes & rivers than you can shake that proverbial stick at??!!

Worse yet, what's a water-phobic mom to do when her husband excitedly acquires a boat "for the kids" ??!!

Sigh... yes, a boat! In case you're not familiar with this thing, it's a device created specifically for taking you & your beloved offspring away from perfectly solid ground... causing you to hover precariously by a matter of inches over dark, ugly lake water to which there is no bottom. You heard me: None!

And, just to up the ante.... sometimes you do this at really fast speeds! Or, you tether said-offspring BEHIND the boat and drag them around the lake ... Golly, there's just no end to that FUN !!

Sorry, that just had to be said....

But, back to my question... what's a mom to do?

She gets on the boat... and she prays!

She prays for the safety of her children & husband... he is driving the boat, after all. But, that's just a start... (Pray without ceasing?? No problem... well, off shore, at least. Funny how a little pressure can make that MUCH easier, huh?!)

She also struggles with every fiber of her being to hold her critical tongue with her husband... running, instead, in prayer to tattle on him to her Heavenly Father.
(As a sidenote, ladies... I don't recommend clinging to that tattling attitude too long - but in dire circumstances, it's definitely a start! Remember, God's not out to change your husband through your prayer - He's out to change you! Let Him!)

She notices the futility of her white-knuckled grip on the side of the boat & confesses her desire for control. She repents of the fact that her desire for control is at it's core... well, a lack of faith in Him. That is... until a few minutes later, when she notices that grip & has to do it all over again.

She prays for a peace beyond anything she can understand, as she pours out her fears before Him in her heart. Each and every fear... as it bobs it's ugly head to the surface.

As a peace settles in, she is able to look around her environment & see some other prayer needs... She might pray for God-given wisdom for those young boys that are surveying the cliff's edge over some questionably shallow water. And, the children that seem unsupervised over at the shore.

She sees the happy faces of her own little ones as they enjoy the day God has given them... and prays to actually enjoy their joy.

And, as she finally is able to enjoy the best part of the outing (you know, those last few moments of pulling up to the dock).... she prays a heartfelt prayer of thanks that all went well.

Finally back on dry ground... she gives a spiritual nod to God, saying "Whew! thanks!! You were really great out there! It was awesome the way I could really feel you out there with me!

As she walk away, she calls over her shoulder "...it's OK, I got it from here... but, seriously - thanks again!"... and she thinks "...you know, it's a shame that prayer couldn't be like that more often."

...or, could it?

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you (James 4:8)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your blog Danyel! When we first got our boat I started out much the same way as you. It does get easier and you do begin to have more faith in your husbands handeling of the boat. I use to clutch my children tight and pray that we would make it through this safely. I think the trick is knowing that those lifejackets really do work! Once you begin to enjoy it, it's excellent family time that everyone can enjoy and makes lots of good memories. Enjoy your family and what God has given us in nature with no tv's, video games, etc...Hope you can begin to enjoy it:)
